People who own and ride a Kawasaki Vulcan and who would like to come along as a guest rider should use the CONTACT US tab above to make contact with the Association. Someone will reply to you with details of how to join the next ride.
January: Saturday / Sunday, 13th -14th Overnighter. Fitzy, VRA WA Lawn Bowls Championship. Cervantes. Day ride options also.
February: Tom's Mystery Ride. Details TBA
March: VRA WA West Coast Rally: 2nd to 4th March 2023. Labour Day long weekend. Albany.Contact us for more details
April: Sunday 28th, Lee-Anne, ANZAC ride.
May: Sunday 19th, Mick's Mystery Ride.
June: Sunday 9th, Tom's Ride.
July: 6th, Simon's Winter Ride
August: 11th, Elizabethan ride, The Kelleys.
September: 30th August to 1st September, VRA Australia National Rally, Tasmania. Head to the VRA Australia Rally page for details.
Quindanning Tavern Ride, details TBA.
October: Looking for a ride leader
November: 23rd, VRA WA Christmas Party, KatanningOvernighter.
December: Sunday, Salvos Christmas Charity ride.
Copyright Vulcan Riders Association WA